Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 3

A lot happened for such an uneventful day...

It seems like not much exciting happened today, but I guess I did do a lot. First on my agenda this morning was surfing (of course). I am not waking up as early as I would like, I suppose because I am tired from surfing a lot. Also just the toll of transition and travel means I'm wanting the extra rest for a few days :)

Anyway, I woke up around 8:30 and headed out to surf. The first spot I checked was Wilderness. Man, another day of Wilderness going OFF. It looked kind of intense, and I was feeling a little lazy from my big surf day the day before, so I thought to myself, "Maybe I'll just check the other spots to see." Little did I know that was the wrong answer, and the surf gods would soon punish me for passing up such amazing (albeit exhausting-looking) waves at Wilderness before I'd actually get to surf today!

I thought I'd check the surf spots in downtown Aguadilla. I am not into traffic at all, so I do my best to avoid it in PR, where traffic can be a problem. Today though, the road to downtown did not seem heavy with cars so I went for it. Sure, the road INTO downtown was not crowded, but wow, the actual downtown sure was. I spent at least an hour and a half in traffic, and then, getting lost when I tried to go around traffic. Add to that, it was absolutely FLAT at all the spots downtown! This was the surf gods playing a trick on me for passing up Wildo!!

Cool shot out of my rearview mirror in downtown Aguadilla

I finally made it out, and checked Wishing Wells--the spot just south of Wilderness (yes, I essentially went in a huge, pointless circle, hahaha). While I could see down the beach that Wilderness was PACKED, there were only 2 other people out at Wishing Wells, and the waves were about 4-5 foot and fun. By this point I was sweaty from driving my no-AC beater thru downtown and just wanted to get in the water, so I went for it instead of making the expedition back to Wilderness (you have to go all the way to the main road and then back down the network of crazy dirt roads to go back to Wildo, even though you can see it just down the beach). I had a pretty fun surf here for a couple hours. This spot is a bit punchier and steeper than Wildo, with longer rights than lefts. If you get thrown, you have to be careful not to hit the reef. Wishing Wells is just as beautiful if not moreso than Wilderness. It seemed surreal because it was so quiet here and I had my own peak to myself in this little paradise. Felt like being in a dream.

Top Left, the road to Wishing Wells. Middle, looking north towards Wildo from Wishing Wells. Bottom Left, cool sea fan I found on the shore... will be bringing this home to go with the junk sculpture I'm doing with an old hula doll!

Scored my first amazing cafe con leche, con canela (cinnamon) at the bakery at the main road after you leave Wishing Wells. Got to converse a little in Spanish too.

Tried to nap again but my neighbors, two men and a woman, were being ridiculously loud and making these really crazy noises... I heard cow noises, trumpet noises, sheep noises, loud Spanish in funny voices, all kinds of things. I couldn't sleep, but they were seriously cracking me up. Laughter is a fine substitute for sleep, so I wasn't mad. I couldn't figure out what the hell they were doing until after 30 minutes or so, I also heard the sounds of two toddlers. HAHAHA I guess they were trying to entertain the kids.

The rest of the afternoon has involved working and, moving, if you can believe it. I always knew I would be moving from the short-term rental unit to the long-term one, but it was supposed to be May 1. The previous long-term tenants ended up leaving a month early, so my landlord Ray asked me to move up as soon as possible to free up the short-term unit. This works out nicely for me--better to move now than in a month. Also the place is 2nd level with cool patios and a little nicer.

Kind of an uneventful day, but a lot went on. I have been hanging out a lot by myself, which I've enjoyed, but I don't think it will last much longer. I can be a loner at times, but I think my true nature is a people-person. I know it will probably end when Ray is back in town next week and the poker nights start up again!

I also bought some office and drawing supplies today... thought this was funny... is it just me or is tape really expensive here?! haha


  1. Woah, Love the sea fan. I don't really understand the surf talk. But I love hearing about what you do everyday;)

    I am super jealous of your cafe con leche..mmmmm, that's what REALLY kept you up...although the neighbors sound interesting..

  2. mm cafe con leche PR style... thanks for reading Les. I <3 you big!

  3. Lol, that surf expedition reminds of when Tom told us wilderness was nice and we did the same thing...of course we DID have some a/c and prob not as much traffic. Hope you're doing well and happy Good Friday
