Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's Tuesday, 4am. I am too amped to sleep. So I blog.

Well, I spent a couple days being a little down about leaving everyone I love in Cocoa Beach, including my DOG. Being down is not in my nature but I couldn't help myself it seemed. So thankful for the amazing people in my life back home--they are hard to leave for even a small period of time.

But, as soon as I stepped to the ticket counter tonight, a switch flipped. No more sad feeling. As I told BFFs Sharon and Sheena,who were on-hand to send me off, "I put my big girl pants on." Let's do this adventure. I mean, I have to be honest there were times I was thinking, what the hell am I doing traveling to Puerto Rico ALONE in the middle of the night? But I was down to business. Besides, I walk in faith that I am being taken care of, always.

S&S hung out with me as long as possible before I had to go to my gate. I am so thankful for such amazing friends.

Plane. I usually sleep on the red eye flights, but not this time, I was so amped. Uneventful flight spent playing with Mac toys and watching Sheer Genius. I love landing in Aguadilla...how everyone claps, yeah that's how I feel too. The warm and humid tropical air that hits you when you deplane, and this night, perfectly clear under the full moon. After the full moon, the first thing I see is this:

I've flown JetBlue a fair amount and never noticed this on their planes before now. Probably only a few people out there would even know why this is a badass omen for me. Quick side-story... BLUE was my pen-name for poetry and "shutter name" for photography about 3 years ago... named after my baby niece, Lucy Blue, who died 8 months in utero. So Blue is here... Blue just means a powerful positive force especially present when creative energy is in full swing. Alright.

Anyway, a very comical cab ride later--the cabbie speaking no English and my limited Spanish, me trying to find my place just on memory in the pitch black dark--I arrive at my PR place. It's just a few minutes from the airport, and a few minutes from some of the best surf breaks in Aguadilla.

I am renting my place from Ray Scot, who is a friend of a friend I met on my last trip down. Everyone who knows him cannot say enough good things about Ray, and it is evident in the care he takes to prepare the apartments for tenants' arrivals. The place simply has a good vibe. Now I am chilling with the rooster sounds and tropical birds just waking for the new day which will begin soon...

I plan to shift to a sleep schedule more conducive to dawn patrols, but for tonight, I am simply too excited!!! Tomorrow, I go to pick up my station wagon, affectionately nicknamed "the Beach Bomb." Can't wait to see her. The next order of business will be to locate a surfing buddy out of the handful of people I know down here already so I can go surf the amazing waves that are forecasted for today! 1-2 feet overhead for the afternoon/evening, and clean!!


  1. OMG...surf sounds awesome! Can't wait for pics/reports!

  2. Yay! Glad you are blogging so we can follow your adventure!

  3. Sounds awesome! I'm soooo excited for you:)

  4. Good Stuff there Chiquita. So happy someone is taking control of their dreams.

  5. Your perspective on your choices always inspires me to let go and flow with what is more. Thanks for being open enough to share!

  6. Thanks for reading guys! Lauri, you rock, and you're so welcome :)

  7. Hello Peanut! How lucky is PR to have the cutest girl in town, right in their back yard? Just as Joe said, "There's going to be shortage of cuteness in Cocoa Beach!" That's okay, we can share!

    Love your blogging! Popped a tear out when I re-lived the "send off", laughed at your big wave moment, and my tummy rumbled at the home grown fruit. Save some for me! I'll be there soon enough!


  8. You truely have many amzing gifts one of which is you ability to write. This is some very well written interesting stuff besides the fact that I know the writer.. keep the book coming along maybe a movie some day... I wonder who will play THAT CHIC

  9. wow, thanks Tony! Let's ask Reese Witherspoon to play me, I like her.
